So what we’re doing at the moment is we’re going to motion out the spine so in the neck area and the patient - that would be me - is reporting if there’s anything that’s tender - and it’s all tingling through here - throughout the spine - really hurts. So we’re just going to palpate and with our hands – that’s palpation just means the chiropractor'll feel for the areas in the vicinity of the tightness where the joints aren’t moving.

Just get a little stretch. And just this way. And get you to lie on your back.

And so the adjustment part is just a high-velocity, low-amplitude thrust and it's administered through direction of restriction through the joint. And we just take the neck into a certain position and just give it a little pop and that should hopefully make you feel like it’s freed up a little bit.

Could you feel that? - Yeah - I mean could you hear that? - mhmm - Cause I heard it. - Good. We’re actually, turn your head if that’s alright. Stretch. Alright.

We’ll now get you to turn onto your side and we’ll look at that lower back. So the area that’s stuck in there. Alright so if you would want to come over just so that you can see how I am contacting on the back. And all it is again is a high-velocity, low-amplitude thrust – it's very small depth. We take the patient into what’s called a lockout and we just go gently in.

Nothing happened. Just take a breath in. Ok, we’ll now get you to turn onto your front and we’ll check through the mid back. So face down.

Again we will motion out chiropractic just to feel if there are any restrictions and I’ll ask the patient if there is any tenderness at all as we go through the spine. - It’s all tender. - So all tender throughout. - Oww, that one hurt back there. - and a little bit through here. So I’ll do a treatment point on this muscle – yeah - just hold that for ten. Knots appear in the muscle and if we can press on them with enough pressure, it will dissipate the tension. As the tension dies down, the muscle spasm will die down as well. So we’ll do another adjustment through the mid-thoracic spine here where the joints are a little bit stuck.

So I’ll get you to take a breath in and breathe out. Well done. And then get you to take a seat please facing the opposite way.

Ok, recheck the movements now, so just check out the spine again – check for restrictions. So get you to turn your head as far right and as far left as you can. And your head, cross your arms over your shoulders. Just check the middle of the back. And the opposite way. A little to the left and then to the right. Ok so we’ll do the soft tissue work in a second. You can rest your arms down. So with this particular patient, we’ve increased the movement in the spine and the neck and the mid-thoracic area, so the mid-back, and then the lumbar spine.

These adjustments should only be done by trained professionals and should not be tried at home – this video is intended for the sole purpose of showing what to expect during a chiropractic manipulation.

Roddy Knight is a chiropractor specializing in the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions. In 2010 he opened the Croydon Sports Injury Clinic, where he uses chiropractic manipulation to restore functionality in patients with back and neck pain.
