Please see the index below for a list of all our articles on Spine Anatomy.

If you are new to the subject, we recommend starting with: Spinal Anatomy and Back Pain

Explore the anatomy and functions of lumbar spinal nerves. Learn about their role in transmitting signals and their impact on lower limb mobility.

Learn about the anatomy of the lumbar spine including the potential problems that can occur in this area of the back.

Explore the anatomy of the lumbar vertebrae including their structure, function, facet joints, and intervertebral foramina. Learn how it relates to lower back pain and radiating leg pain.

The neck muscles and other soft tissues—such as ligaments and blood vessels—play important roles in the cervical spine’s movements, stability, and function.

The spine is divided into 4 major sections, typically defined by the number of vertebrae (the round bones that make up the structure of one’s back bone) in each section. Vertebrae are also sometimes called vertebral bodies.

The sacroiliac joints have an intricate anatomy. This article describes the structure, function, and role of the SI joints in the pelvis and lower back.

The sacrum is a triangular bone located at the base of the spine, which plays a crucial role in providing stability and support to the pelvis.
