Hello, everybody. I'm Natalie. And today, Veritas Health is bringing you four simple stretches to relieve back pain fast. The first stretch I'm going to show you is a hamstring stretch along a wall. You will lay next to a corner or a doorjamb and put one leg straight against the wall. You will then apply some pressure to your knee trying to straighten out your knee. Hold a gentle stretch at the back of the leg for 30 seconds, working up to three times total on each side.

The next stretch I'll show you is a kneeling lunge stretch. You will kneel on the ground with your weight evenly distributed through both legs. You will place your hands on the top thigh and shift your weight forward until a gentle stretch is felt through the front of the hip. You can hold this stretch for up to 30 seconds, working up to three times on each side.

If kneeling is uncomfortable, this stretch can be modified by standing with your hands on a wall or on your hips for balance and shifting your weight forward until, once again, a gentle stretch is felt through the front of the hip.

The next stretch I'm going to show you is a back flexion stretch. This will be performed lying on your back on the ground or on your bed. You will pull both knees to your chest, looking for a gentle stretch in the low back. You will hold this stretch for 30 seconds, working up to three times total. If you have any discomfort with this stretch, please consult with your provider.

The next exercise I will show you is a supine piriformis stretch. You will take the leg you want to stretch, pulling your knee to your chest and using your opposite hand to pull your ankle and your thigh towards your opposite shoulder. You are looking for a gentle stretch in the hip and buttock region. Hold this stretch for 30 seconds working, up to three times on each side. Learn more about back pain on Spine Health, and please subscribe to our channel for more videos like this one. Thank you for watching.

Dr. Natalie Ullrich is a physical therapist specializing in orthopedic and sports medicine at Plymouth Physical Therapy Specialists. She is passionate about treating each individual as a whole.
